Majuro, MH- The Ministry is pleased to announce the successful completion of the Immunization in Practice (IIP) training by 10 dedicated Health Assistants on Friday, February 14th. This marks a significant achievement in strengthening the immunization program in the neighboring islands, and we commend the collaborative efforts of the participating islands and everyone involved in organizing the training. We would also like to extend our sincere gratitude to UNICEF for their ongoing support in capacity building and other vital areas.
The completion ceremony commenced according to the arranged agenda. Acting Secretary Ms. Daisy Pedro delivered her opening remarks acknowledging the ten Health Assistants, her fellow MLT members, and everyone who attended the event. Acting Secretary Daisy went on to show her great appreciation, gratitude and honor for the decision and sacrifices the Health Assistant made from traveling from their home atolls to remaining Majuro for four weeks - all for the improvement, betterment, and accessibility of vaccines in their own home Islands.
The handover of certificates of completion took place at the Outer Islands Health Care Services (OIHCS), where the Immunization program Director, Mrs. Noatial Siofilisi expressed her heartfelt thanks to the MLT members for their presence and continued support during this pivotal event. This milestone is particularly significant as it was the first training to be organized and conducted locally, a step that enhances sustainability and the long-term effectiveness of immunization efforts.
The training spanned four weeks, consisting of one week of theoretical learning, two weeks of hands-on training, and one week dedicated to Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) Review. During the review, priority areas to address low immunization coverage were identified, and data-driven strategic planning was employed to chart a course for improvement. Participants are now well-equipped with the knowledge and confidence needed to manage immunization activities across their respective islands, ensuring better access to timely vaccinations for children.
One of the key goals of the immunization program is to reach each atoll four times a year, though challenges have made this difficult. In response, we have strategically trained Health Assistants to take ownership of immunization activities on their islands, ensuring that children in remote areas will no longer need to wait for the Majuro Team to arrive during scheduled trips.
National Immunization Director Noatia has confirmed that a second round of training is in the works, with the primary goal of ensuring that no child is left behind in routine vaccinations. The Ministry is committed to providing the neighboring islands with access to immunization services comparable to those available in Majuro and Ebeye.
This achievement highlights the Ministry's unwavering dedication to improving immunization coverage and ensuring that every child, no matter where they live, has access to life-saving vaccines.
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Tobrak in im jemlokin kaminene eo ikijien Immunization in Practice (IIP) nan Health Assistants
Majuro, MH – Ra eo an jikin Ejmour eo ej m̗ōn̗ōn̗ō in karon̄ ikkijen tōprak in im em̗ōj an dredrel̗o̗k ikkijen juon jerbal in kamminene ikijien jerbal in Wā. Etan training in ej Immunization in Practice im kar bok jikin ippen 10 iaan Health Assistants ro jen Neiboring Island. Iien kile im kojemlok kaminene in kar bok jikin ilo raan in Bōl̗aidre, Pābodre 14 raan eo. Waween in ej kaalikar juon tōprak ilo wāwein kōkajoor l̗o̗k būrokraam̗ ak jerbal in wā ko ilo aelōn̄ ko ilikin ak Neighboring Islands ko. Kile im kautiej aolep ro rekar bok kon̗aer ilo aelōn̄ ko im aolep kajjojo ro rekar barenwot koba tok im kom̗m̗an bwe en juon ien eo epolomen. Kemij kōn̗aan barenwōt lel̗o̗k naan in kile im kautiej nan UNICEF kōn jipan̄ kein aer rejjab jeml̗o̗k nan komanmanlok Ejmour.
Ilo naan ko an acting Secretary eo Ms. Daisy Pedro, ekar kwalok an kile im kam̗m̗olol aolep health assistant ro, rijerbal ro m̗ōttan ilo MLT, ekoba aolep ro rekar kobatok ilo ien. Ekar barenwōt wōnm̗aanl̗o̗k wōt im kwal̗o̗k an kautiej, im lelok kile n̄an n̄an kajjojo Health Assistant ro kon ien ko aer im kōl̗menl̗o̗kjen̗ ko aer kōn aer kar lo aorōk eo an jerbal in im jul̗o̗k ien ko aer im jibadrōk tok Majuro im jol̗o̗k 4 wiik ko – n̄an em̗m̗an l̗o̗k eo im kapidodoik l̗o̗k an maron etal wā ko n̄an aelōn̄ jidik ko ipelaakin Majol.
Ien lelok pepa in kile im nebar ikkijen tōprak im jemlokin kaminene eo an Health Assistant rein ekar kōm̗m̗an ilo opiij eo an Outer Islands Health Care Services (OIHCS). Director eo an būrokraam̗ in Wā eo, Mrs. Noatia Siofilisi ekar kwal̗o̗k an kammolol ro iuwaan MLT kōn aer kar maron bar koba tok im boreinwot kon jipan ko rejjab jemlok nan aelok jidik ko. Tōprak in ej kakōl̗l̗ein juon jerbal eo ej kab kein kajuon an kōm̗m̗an ilo aelōn̄ kein, juon wōnm̗aanl̗o̗k eo nan jipan ikijien jerbal im kōjerbal wā ko ilo aelōn jidik ko.
Aetok in training ak kaminene eo ekar 4 wiik aetokin, juon wiik nan theoretical learning ak ekatak in komman kajitok im uaak ko ikijien Wā ko, ruo wiik ejonolok nan jerbale ekatak ko, im juon wiik ekar kōm̗m̗an n̄an Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) Review ak jerbal in etale wā ko. Ekatak ko moktata kar loi ilo ien etale in ej bwe bonbon ak oran an diwojlok wā elukkuun dik. Kon menin kar kommane juon data-driven strategic planning ak juon kein jipan̄ n̄an aer maron̄ jel̗ā ia ko rej aikuj kōm̗anm̗an l̗o̗k im bōreinwot n̄an etale bonbon in wā ko rej diwojlok.
Juon iaan kōttōpar eo elap ilo būrokraam̗ eo an jikin Wā in ej n̄an kōm̗m̗an bwe jen tōpar aelōn̄ jidik ko likin emen (4) alen iloaan juon iiō, men̄e ewōr menin melijjon̄ ko kadredre. Nan komman bwe en pidodolok im mokaj lok an ro ilo aelōn̄ jidik ko maron tobar wā ko nan kojbarok, en̄iin kar kommane jerbal in kamminene im katakin Health Assistant rein ad bwe ren bōk ijoko kon̗aer im lel̗o̗k wā ilo aeōn̄ kein, n̄an loloodjake bwe aolep ajri im rutto ro jimor ilo aelōn̄ ko ren jab bar aikuj kōttar an etal kumi in wā ko jen Majuro.
Director eo an Immunization Program eo ak Jikin wā eo, Mrs. Noatia emoj an alikkar ke enaaj bar wōr juon ien kamminene einwot in eo im kōttōpar eo ej einwot in bwe en ejjelok ajri ej likjab jen an bōk wā kein. Ra eo an jikin Ejmour ej kapen an kallimur ilo an naaj jipan̄ aelōn̄ ko likin im kōm̗m̗an bwe en pidodo an armej maron̄ buk wā kein ejjelok oktak jen ro ilo Majuro im Ebeye.
Tōprak in ej kaalikkar jerbal in kūjejeto ko an Jikin Ejmour eo im wāwein an kōm̗anm̗an l̗o̗k jekjek ellel̗o̗k wā ilo an ejjel̗o̗k ajri ej likjab jene, jekdron ia eo rej jokwe ie, ak en wōr jipan̄ kein ikkijen jerbal in wā kein n̄an er.
N̄an mel̗el̗e ko jet, jouij im letok nan: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.